Greetings and Salutations!

Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Summon the name, and open the gates– for this is the first post, coming-up with Beetlejuice fan-fiction, or maybe what might even be turned into a movie, someday– and “how you never know”. I’m new to “The WordPress Game” and it may take a while, before I master “the in’s and out’s”, “the tricks of the trade”, so pardon me if my early renditions come across “as crude”.

Comments are welcome, and as this site “becomes respectable”, be sure “to spread the word” and show this to all of your online-friends, as we will offer a substantial slice of home-brew entertainment and common “desktop” know how as a credit to the online species of basement pajama pundit, on all things funny and unholy and Beetlerific.

We, the fans “make it real, you know” as I welcome you all.


P.S. Experimenting with the notion of “a contact form”, where I guess you would send-in your comments, or maybe 1-on-1 email as I’m “the freshest of the fresh” at this and will “make-it-up, as I go along”. Thanks again, for your patience.

Greetings and Salutations!

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